Summer Experiments
Hello, Dear Ones,
Happy June to you! This is a summer of experimentation! With summer close, kids and teachers wrapping up school, caregivers shifting schedules to make things work, and so many of us ready to savor this summertime, I’ve got a fun new program I’m trying out.
When I was enrolled with my first coach, Meg, she had a program offering that lasted 100 days, and I loved it! One hundred days is over three months, and still not 1/3 of the year. It’s an amount of time I felt no qualms about committing to.
I’m launching my new program offering a 100-day Challenge for Change. It’s still customizable for each client and honors what you need to work on. There’s time built-in for deep, visioning work and identifying structures for accountability and support so you can have lasting change.
Along with my clients, I will be challenging myself for the next 100 days as well, and that challenge starts today! One hundred days from today (June 1, 2023) is Saturday, September 9, 2023. By then, I’ll have completed a special project I’ll be working on for an hour each workday.
Some of my clients’ goals for these 100-day challenges include creating a work-life balance, having a healthier relationship with social media, eating more mindfully, experimenting with different types of activity, and prioritizing rest that’s not sleep.
If you or someone you know would be interested in a 100-day Challenge for Change in your life, I’d love to chat.
What will you do with your next 100 days, dear one? What kind of change have you been craving? I’d love to hear about it; please feel free to respond to this e-mail and tell me more! If you’re interested in a free download to help you create your own 100-day Challenge for Change, let me know and I’d be happy to send it to you!
With love and kindness,
It’s officially fresh local produce season again! I’m so excited to dive into my CSA, local produce stands, and farmer’s markets. I’m focusing on eating the rainbow with whole foods and many plants for my physical and mental health. Best of all, whole foods are full of fiber, helping us feel full and keeping things moving in our digestive system. This is great for your gut, which produces most of your serotonin (happy brain chemicals). What’s one new fruit or veg you’re curious about trying this summer?
I’ve started speaking recently to groups about managing our personal energy so we can thrive! I gave a talk last Monday for the incredible group Wellth for Women. I will also be speaking in St Michael, MN on June 22 at 12. I’d love to see any of you there!
I will also be speaking with Creighton University for any in the healthcare or coaching industry interested in some free continuing education, you can join us for our summer series!